On Wednesday, September 18, Montverde Academy honored eight Upper School students with Excellence T-shirts in recognition of their outstanding achievements in academics and athletics.
Senior Joao Pedro Fortes Ribeiro was honored by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for outstanding achievement in the study of mathematics and science. Seniors Ali Cheema, Phoenix Connick, and Leon Liu are semifinalists in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Competition. Senior Sophie Ressler will be receiving the Ray Goodgame Award. Junior Saniyah Hall received a Gold medal for the U18 3v3 World Cup Tournament in Hungary. Junior Damian Eade finished second place in slalom and 10th place in jump at the Junior World Championships for water skiing. Senior Jaeden Eade finished first in slalom at u17 Junior World Championship for water skiing.
高中毕业班学生Joao Pedro Fortes Ribeiro因其在数学和科学研究方面的杰出成就而受到伦斯勒理工学院的表彰。高中毕业班学生Ali Cheema, Phoenix Connick和Leon Liu成功晋级2025届国家优秀奖学金竞赛的半决赛。Sophie Ressler即将荣获Ray Goodgame奖项。Saniyah Hall在匈牙利U18 3v3世界杯锦标赛中摘得金牌。Damian Eade于水上滑板少年世界锦标赛中,在障碍滑行项目中位列第二名,在跳跃项目中位居第十名。Jaeden Eade在U17少年水上滑板世界锦标赛的障碍滑行项目中勇夺第一名。
These students, along with MVA faculty and staff, proudly wore their Excellence T-shirts to school today to celebrate these remarkable accomplishments. Congratulations to all!