After several intense rounds of words at the Lower and Middle School Spelling Bee, sixth-grade student Anabelle Wang made it through to the very end, becoming the schoolwide champion. If she qualifies, Anabelle will advance to the Regional Spelling Bee where she will face some even steeper competition.
蒙特沃德学院小学部和初中部举办拼写比赛。经过几轮激烈的角逐,最终六年级学生Anabelle Wang成功晋级,成为全校冠军。如果获得参赛资格,Anabelle将晋级地区拼写大赛,在那里她将面临更激烈的竞争。
Congratulations to Anabelle and to all the other contestants who worked hard and put up a great fight!